Leading Ground Cover Analysis


November, 2021

Ground cover analysis is a critical area for sustainable farm management practices.

Even more so today, with increasingly extreme and prolonged weather events, a push to capture soil carbon and growing demand for the products you produce. We believe our Times Series Satellite Imagery tools will give you a big prop in this area to better understand the health of your land and manage better outcomes.

Our analysis tools go a layer deeper and more insightful than traditional vegetation indices like the NDVI with the inclusion of Fractional Cover and Fractional Ground Cover imagery. This separates the tree canopy cover from the more relevant on-the-ground vegetation cover.

 The data is also divided into green vegetation, non-green (or dry) vegetation and bare ground. This gives a more complete picture of total vegetation cover on your property – particularly in dryer areas of the country where non-green cover will be more prevalent.

This popular tool allows you to select the total property, a specific paddock or paddocks, a land type on your property, or a selected area of your property and analyse the fractional cover or fractional ground cover over 30 years of satellite imagery. The results are divided into percentage green cover, non-green cover and bare ground on a quarterly basis to show seasonal change in vegetation cover performance. We also include accompanying rainfall levels to determine if other factors besides precipitation had a bearing on ground cover levels.

This analysis is available in our Standard and Premium Subscriptions.

Click here to discover a FarmMap4D subscription that will work for your property.

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