Satellite Imagery Analysis
Satellite Imagery Analysis
Use a range of spatial and temporal analysis tools to study different levels of ground cover metrics and benchmark by paddock, property, land type or regional area.
Time Series Satellite Analysis
Use satellite imagery products to analyse various seasonal cover results around your property over the last 30 years.
The tool works on extracting out the modeled proportion of a satellite grid cell which is photosynthetic vegetation (green), non-photosynthetic (blue) and bare ground and water (red).
The analysis has several layer options including fractional cover, fractional ground cover, persistent green, decile total and decile green.
The tool works as a base for deeper understanding of pasture growth potential, safe long-term carrying capacity and highlighting the impact of fire disturbance and drought.
Ground Cover Percentile
The Percentile Imagery ranks the typical green and non-green ground cover over time to determine which areas have consistently lower or consistently higher cover over time to either all areas in your property, or all areas in a paddock.
The output maps are “Red to Green” maps, where red shows consistently poor cover over time, cream-white shows average cover and green shows consistently higher cover over time.
The results can highlight which paddocks or parts of the property are most grazed, or have consistently the lowest level of cover and vice versa.
Available on:
Premium Standard LiteRegional Ground Cover Comparison
Regional cover analysis allows for a comparison of green and non-green vegetation components of ground cover data on your property with ground cover values achieved for similar land in the local region.
The analysis is conducted over a 30-year period with reported graph analysis in percentiles. This enables direct comparison of the trend and level of ground cover for a selected property to other properties in the area.
This can be very useful as a benchmarking tool (in land stewardship) and in considering stocking strategies based on past and current seasonal land conditions.