FarmMap4D Standard

FarmMap4D Standard is our mid-range product which is a cost-effective product for farmers looking to establish a new property and or get greater understanding of their land and land asset decisions.

Standard offers all the feature of our Premium product but excludes grazing circles and paddock capacity analysis.

$300.00 excl. GST Subscribe now button

FarmMap4D subscription for 1 year includes:


A 10% discount applies when registering more than one property, if you want to subscribe more than one property please contact [email protected] and we’ll organise a coupon.

Click here to see the difference between Premium, Standard and Lite.

Purchase Now button from Chargebee $750.

In detail

Digital Farm Mapping System

Used for high resolution imagery to map all your farm infrastructure assets and paddocks.

Create a detailed asset register and reports on the length of fences, area of paddocks and depreciation schedules. Plan new infrastructure.

Get access to government data as standard base maps, along with fire and weather data.

Produce high quality maps ready for printing to give to your bank manager or load onto a smartphone.

Export and share your digital farm map with other software using industry standard formats.

All the tools you need to take control of digital farm map data and share it with your consultants or partners.

Current very high resolution (VHR) imagery

Rather than relying on free imagery like Google Earth, Bing or ESRI World that may be out of date in remote areas, FarmMap4D provides access to recent 30-50cm very high resolution Digital Globe satellite imagery that is captured over the entire continent every 12-18 months (depending on clouds).

This not only does away with much of the need to map features using GPS which is very time consuming, but it provides that ability to audit on-farm development or assist with property valuations. To purchase this imagery separately would cost ~$1700 for 100sqkm.

Ground Cover Time-series Analysis and Reporting

Analyse changes in vegetation and ground cover derived from satellite data for any season over the last 30 years.

Use world-leading remote sensing science to assess the impacts of management, and compare ground cover between paddocks or against similar land in the local region. Benchmark yourself and demonstrate good land stewardship.

Consider stocking strategies based on past and current seasonal conditions and changes in land condition.

Long-term Carrying Capacity Analysis

Bring together land type, grazing circles, infrastructure and land condition information to estimate current and potential long-term safe carrying capacity for each paddock and land type within a property.

Use this information to estimate overall cost of investment, increases in production and return on investment.

Provide your bank with detailed maps and outputs on how investment and management is going to improve your production and sustainability.

Custom Analysis of Time-series Data

Understand the spatial and temporal variability of pasture growth utilisation and ground cover within and between paddocks using seasonal time-series satellite data. Simply select a specific time-period and produce a detailed map that can be used to make changes in management to improve sustainable production.

Provide your bank with detailed maps and outputs on how investment and management is going to improve your production and sustainability.

User Training, Support and Mapping Services

A range of training, support and mapping services are available to suit your needs.

Detailed user manuals, YouTube videos and Webinars are provided online. Individual online tutoring or group training is available through the FMA team, consultants, government and regional NRM extension staff.

If you would like to get the initial basic mapping of infrastructure completed by a specialist that can also be arranged.

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